- Colour transparency A full colour photographic positive on film. 彩色透明片带有全部色彩的阳图菲林。
- Colour transparency: A full colour photographic positive on film. 彩色透明片:带有全部色彩的阳图菲林。
- Inter-positive: Photographic positive which will be subject to further camera work to obtain the finished result. 中间正片:要用它再作照相工序,然后获得完成效果的照相片正片。
- Half-tone positive A positive film image produced by projecting a continuous-tone negative through a screen.Also called Screened positive. 半色调阳片经半色调网片投射连续色调底片所得的菲林正片。亦称网点阳片。
- Half-tone positive: A positive film image produced by projecting a continuous-tone negative through a screen.Also called Screened positive. 半色调阳片:经半色调网片投射连续色调底片所得的菲林正片。亦称网点阳片。
- Reversal Film: Film that presses to a positive image after exposure in a camera, or in a printer to produce another positive film. 反转片:在摄影机曝光后冲洗成正像的胶片,或者是在印片机能复制出另一正像的胶片。
- Beams of light,colour filters,and electronic circuitry are used to scan a colour image point by point,producing colour-corrected separations in negative or positive film,either screened or unscreened. 用光束、滤色片、和电子电路把彩色影像逐点逐点的扫描,造成正确色彩的分色上网或不上网的正片或负片。
- Black-and-white dupe positive film 黑白翻正片(摄影)
- The evolution of practical sensitometric technique for color negative,color intermediate and color positive films is reviewed. 于感光测定部份,介绍了对彩色底片、彩色中间片,以及彩色正片的感光测定。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- He is working in his photographic studio. 他正在摄影室工作。
- Advertisers to provide positive film 广告客户须提供阳片
- He dug out a faded photograph and showed it to me. 他找出一张褪了色的照片拿给我看。
- motion picture colour positive film 彩色电影正片
- The photograph was backed with cardboard. 照片背面衬上了一层纸板。
- satellite photographic positioning 卫星摄影定位
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- I planned to enlarge this photograph. 我计划放大这张照片。
- He has composed a suite of music for the film. 他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。